Your Benefit: Cost Reduction

Kegelmann Technik as part of your added value

Everybody wants to save costs. But cheaper is too simple and too shortsighted.


We see ourselves as an integrated part of your value chain and, in close cooperation with your development department, like to deploy the optimum process from the point of view of cost and quality at every step of the product development from receipt of your idea to absolute serial production. Not always, but more and more often, we even manage to increase quality and at the same time realize cost-cutting potential in a nearly six-figure range. Cooperation with Kegelmann Technik offers many advantages. The starting point is your CAD data model, which is enriched with the additive technology knowledge of our engineers. Your product or at least intermediate stages of production are executed completely without tools, thus even small quantities are not only economical, but enormously profitable when viewed holistically. Rapid adaptation of design without expensive tooling allows iterative improvement. The free scalability saves you from building series. Delivery times are reduced to a minimum, documentation and spare parts stocking are reduced to the record.


If you also manage to integrate features into the part in one piece through additive thinking and manufacturing, thus reducing assembly components, your cost and competitive advantages increase rapidly. This additive thinking and the digital process chain are in our blood. Our engineers will gladly assist you in realizing your cost and competitive advantages.